Hijab Shack

Hijab Shack

Find Everyday Elegance and wear it proudly.

About two decades ago, my daughter Atiqa was born. As she grew into her teenage years, I found it hard to find modest clothing and hijabs that fit the lifestyle of a young girl her age. After endless hours on the internet and asking around, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and got behind my sewing machine. I started sewing scarves and hijabi outfits for her. Slowly, others in the community began to ask about my daughters' cloth for their own girls. Soon after, I opened a small shop and named it after my children, Mokka Fashions. Fast forward a decade, and now Atiqa is my business partner. We have grown so much ever since I started this business. With the support of our amazing customers, we went from selling pieces locally out of my basement to making and selling unique hijabs at the Hijab Shack Store.